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A D-Day Commemoration

Icon Small Ship Cruise

Welcome to Vantage Explorations’ A D-Day Commemoration In honour of the men and women from across the globe who united in a valiant struggle for freedom in June 1944, we embark...

9 Days

From USD $9,495.00/pp

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A United Kingdom: The Crown and the Clans

Icon Small Ship Cruise

Welcome to Vantage Explorations’ The Crown and The Clans  Few rivalries are as passionate and enduring as that between the Scottish and the English. From the formidable reigns of Cnut the...

15 Days

From USD $15,436.00/pp

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Ireland & Scotland: Saints, Saviors and Secrets

Icon Small Ship Cruise

Welcome to Vantage Explorations' Saints, Saviours and Secrets Guinness estimates that on Ireland’s national day, St Patrick’s Day, a staggering 13 million pints of their renowned brew are savoured worldwide. Intriguingly,...

14 Days

From USD $13,036.00/pp

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Ireland: The Luck of the Irish

Icon Small Ship Cruise

Welcome to Vantage Explorations’ Ireland: The Luck of the Irish. Pounded for eternity by its surrounding seas, Ireland’s coastline is best explored by ship. The country’s intimate size affords seafarers an...

11-12 Days

From USD $9,756.00/pp